We are currently launching the PVC Feedback Form in trial mode, starting July 1, 2020. We are in the process of finalizing a detailed document on how data will be generalized, stored, and used, and will update the website when ready. See below for some basic information. For ideas on how to improve the Feedback Form, please email physics-values@mit.edu.
This is the feedback form for the Physics Values Committee (PVC). The PVC welcomes input from all members of the community on how to improve and better uphold the Physics Values. Regardless of whether you submit feedback here, individuals from the department are always welcome to contact any of the committee members for a one-to-one or group meeting. Anyone can use any of the following forms (e.g. students do not need to use the Student Feedback Form if they would prefer their comments to go to a faculty member).
Here are the currently active forms:
Faculty Feedback Form [goes to Tracy Slatyer (faculty, mandatory reporter)]
Please Note:
Most institute employees, including faculty, staff, postdocs, and some students are “responsible employees” under Title IX and Institute policy. Therefore, if these committee members learn of any incident of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, or stalking, they may be obligated to report it to MIT’s Institute Discrimination and Harassment Response (IDHR) Office. The committee members may also be required to report serious health and safety concerns to other appropriate MIT departments.
This form is not an official reporting mechanism, and the committee is unable to investigate potential policy violations. If you wish to report an experience of discrimination, harassment, or other violation of MIT policy, you can file a report with IDHR. In addition, MIT has an anonymous reporting hotline for complaints about wrongdoing and violations of Institute policy. If you are unsure whether you wish to file a report or initiate a formal complaint, you can contact a member of the PVC Committee for guidance.
Also remember that you have many resources for support. On-campus confidential resources include the Ombuds Office, REFS, Student Mental Health and Counseling Services, MIT Medical, Violence Prevention and Response, and the MIT Chaplains. See IDHR for additional resources.
Your data will only be seen by the designated recipient, depending on which form you submit (options include student, staff, postdoc, or faculty forms). Only the listed recipients will be able to read your raw feedback form. After the recipients read your data in Qualtrics, they will screen specific and identifying information from the feedback form and present it generically to the Committee. This generic information will be stored long term by the PVC to help monitor trends in the department climate.
How will my feedback be used?
The PVC appreciates your candid and thoughtful feedback and will consider it with great care. The feedback form may be submitted anonymously, in which case the feedback will be discussed by the committee. If you would also like a follow-up from a specified committee member, please add your contact information.
- For generic comments such as “the department is __ for __”, without any other information or anecdotes, we will discuss the situation and potential improvements, but it is unlikely that any specific improvements will be made.
- For specific suggestions, including community event ideas, new initiatives, or policy changes, the PVC is excited to review all suggestions as well as discuss the potential for implementation. We are looking for new ideas all the time.
- For personal anecdotes/experiences or observations that raise concern regarding the Physics Values, one of the specified recipients will follow up with the submitter --- if contact information provided --- and then discuss how the PVC can specifically help. However, please note that this web form does not send/store IP addresses or any other identifying information unless you input it into the comment box. If specific anecdotes/experiences are shared but no contact information is provided, the PVC will discuss the situation and potential improvements.